What makes a good TED Talk?

publicspeaking speaking ted tedtalks tedx Oct 16, 2023

For those that follow me, or if you’re brand new I have a passion project like no other – running a TEDx event. In this space, I do event stuff, but my main role is as curator – deciding which ideas should be heard on stage.

TED talks have become a global phenomenon with millions of people tuning in to watch these thought-provoking talks. But what sets a good TED talk apart? What makes a TEDx talk worthy of the stage and worthy of tuning in?

A good TED talk should start with a compelling idea that is relevant and timely.

The idea should be unique and have the potential to spark conversations and make a positive impact. The TED model is an idea worth spreading and an idea is different to a topic I talk more about this in a season 1 episode, but to quickly recap – an idea is something that isn’t a generic topic.

It’s not something that you’d normally hear at a conference but it’s innovative, or a new take on a concept we already understand, or a changed perspective on something that is known, or something completely innovative such as a scientific discovery. The speaker should be able to articulate this idea in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for the audience to understand and relate to.

This comes back to understanding the key message you’re wanting to share. 

The next important aspect of a good TED talk is the way it is delivered.

The speaker needs to be engaging, confident, and charismatic, but their authentic self. They should be able to capture the audience's attention and hold it throughout their talk. This can be achieved through effective use of body language, tone, and storytelling.

The speaker should also be able to connect with the audience on a personal level, sharing stories and experiences that they can relate to. I’ve created a free download called the Ultimate Presentation Structure Guide which can assist with the way to formulate a talk and touches on many of the things discussed.

Another important aspect of a good TED talk is the use of visuals.

The speaker should use visuals such as images, videos, or graphs to enhance their message. These visuals should be simple and easy to understand, and they should complement the speaker's message.

The use of visuals can help the audience to better understand complex concepts and data, making the talk more engaging and memorable.

A good TED talk should also be well-rehearsed.

The speaker should have a clear outline of their talk, and they should know their material inside and out. They should also be able to deliver their talk without relying on notes. This can be achieved through careful preparation and practice, allowing the speaker to feel confident and comfortable during their presentation.

Finally, a good TED talk should have a clear call to action.

The speaker should inspire their audience to take action, whether it's to make a change in their own lives or to contribute to a larger cause. This can be achieved by providing practical advice, sharing inspiring stories, or highlighting important issues that need to be addressed.

The call to action should be clear and specific, making it easy for the audience to take action.


Can I help you?

  1. Join my online on-demand course Communicate for Impact
  2. I coach people one-on-one to assist them with their communication and speaking needs with single sessions available and 3-month package.
  3. Want a speaker for your event or to have a training session in your workplace? Let’s discuss!
  4. Book a virtual coffee with me and we can chat further!
  5. You can download FREE resources here
  6. Listen to the Craft Messages That Matter Podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts

About the author:

Theo Kapodistrias is a multi-national award-winning lawyer and speaker, MC, trainer, and public speaking coach. He is passionate about community involvement and holds several voluntary positions, including as the Executive Director of TEDxHobart. His keynote speaking, training, and coaching business is designed to help professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurs to speak up, show up, and make an impact through their voice and through their words www.theokap.com.au


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